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How resilient am I, and why does it matter?

Chris Hatfield

As we face challenges throughout our personal and professional lives, our levels of resilience will naturally be tested. And that’s OK! Being resilient doesn’t look the same for everyone.

As we can mend broken bones, build on our flexibility with exercise, and gain better knowledge through education, we can develop resilience. 

Sure, it’s not an overnight thing. But the first step towards improvement is understanding.

Knowledge is equal to power infographic

Understanding how resilient you are will help you learn what you need to work on, and help you develop your ability in areas you might be lacking. But remember - having low resilience does NOT mean that you are weak. In fact, remove weakness from the equation (can we remove it from the dictionary also, please?). 

“I have low resilience, so therefore I am lacking. I am incapable. I don’t compare.”

Have you ever felt this? 

Instead of judging where you are now and what you don’t possess, look at what you have achieved already. Building resilience will keep you focused on achieving your goals and nurturing your passions. 

“I am not very resilient, so I am a failure” becomes “I have shown resilience on these occasions and here’s where I know I can improve or need added support.”

Okay, so I know I need to be a bit kinder to myself, but what is ‘resilience’?

Resilience is your ability to bounce back when things don’t go as planned. 

It is the ability to embrace change without dwelling on failure or loss. 

To be resilient means to acknowledge your current scenario, learn from mistakes and move forward. 

Resilience is not...

Resilience should not be mistaken for weakness or being perceived as the ‘strongest’. 

We all come across challenges that stump us a little bit, that knock the wind out of us and cause us to stand back and take stock. Even the most resilient people need downtime and moments of self-reflection. 

The ability to get back up and move forward is where your resilience kicks in, and how you navigate through your problems will determine how resilient you are. 

But let’s be real here, your resilience isn’t measured by how ‘successful’ you are. You can show incredible resilience, and still walk away, or decide that a situation isn’t working for you. 

So why do I need to know how resilient I am?

Understanding your current resilience could be the nugget of information you need to make a transformative change in your life.

For example, you might consider yourself to be great at acknowledging your current situation, but you might not be great at taking action to change it. Remember, gaining knowledge of where you ‘lack’ is not a negative! 

That all sounds great! Now how do I find out about my resilience?

We’ve built an in-depth resilience test to open your eyes to your current level of resilience. It will give you the tools and steps you need to start your journey towards greater personal resilience. 

The test will take you through various scenarios which aim to analyse your ability to self-evaluate and acknowledge personal circumstances so you can make positive changes. 

Once you’ve completed the free test, you’ll receive a results guide outlining your strengths and weaknesses. It will explain more about resilience and how this affects your professional and personal success and contentment.

You’ll get a good idea of what changes you can make to improve your resilience. 

So what are you waiting for? Take our resilience test, arm yourself with critical knowledge, and start on your journey towards self-improvement.  


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